Before I Do Podcast

10. Moving In Together: Tips, Tricks, & Hot Takes

Jackson & June Events Episode 10

We’ve got such a fun one today - we are going to talk about all things moving in together!

I feel like it is such a relevant topic when wedding planning because a lot of couples are either doing this at the same time they are planning or they have just recently moved in together before getting engaged. Many of our couples will hop on calls and be like, “oh we were looking at houses this weekend” or “we were packing up our apartment”, so it’s definitely something that we experience a lot with our couples.

Nowadays, we feel like it is common for couples to move in together before they get married, so it feels like people skip over it as a milestone, but it is such a big part of progressing your relationship, getting ready for that next big chapter of life, and setting a really strong foundation for marriage. 

We'll share our top tips for moving in together and have also gathered advice from our Instagram audience and friends. Let's dive in!

  1. There will be a transition. And you will do things to annoy the other
  2. Share each other‘s biggest pet peeves at the beginning
  3. It’s not about molding your partners routines to your routines, it’s about creating new routines together
  4. Be flexible
  5. Divvy up chores ahead of time
  6. Get your mail under control
  7. Make sure bills are in both of your names and both of you have access to pay them
  8. Create a household, email address and calendar
  9. Talk about your open door policy with family members and friends and make sure you are on the same page
  10. When you are merging your belongings, remember, you don’t need two of everything
  11. Talk about alone time
  12. Do fun things
  13. First out of bed makes coffee, last out of bed makes the bed
  14. Do not feel like it is the end of the world or your relationship if you guys get more agitated with each other in the beginning

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